Tuesday, May 25, 2010



Due to Matthew receiving his prize, the following terms and conditions MUST be enacted;

  1. "The :: Fail" is to be removed from the list entitled, " FAIL BLOGS (THE CONQUERED)" at: http://musicprofessiomihi.blogspot.com/
  2. A full post about the peace and mutual friendliness between http://theriseoftime.blogspot.com/ and http://musicprofessiomihi.blogspot.com/ be posted at: http://musicprofessiomihi.blogspot.com/ . 3 Photographs must make an appearance in the aforementioned post. One of Matthew Wong shaking Joseph Blay's hand, one of Geoff Kuek shaking Joseph Blay's hand and one "group shot" depicting all three parties smiling together. 


Brandon said...

wouldn't it be two parties seeing how matthew and geoff are "one party". More holes in your demands... tsk tsk tsk.

PS: Your Colourblind

The :: Inquisitor said...

P.P.S - You spelt the conjunction of, "You are" incorrectly. It's YOU'RE.
What you said was essentially, you own colour-blind. Not You are colour-blind.

mr shinoda. said...

lol Branfag.