Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Some Sidenotes + New vid/song + Some of your time = This Post.

Well then, Let us begin;

In the bliss of remembering our earlier years at Mater Dei, several amusing things have been coming back to me;

  1. Elliot and ? walking around with a Bible during Recess and Lunch, stopping people in the hallways, and then reading them a small passage. Then they would say, "The service has ended", bow to you and walk up to another group of unsuspecting potential Christians.
  2. Mr Cuka being our year co-ordinator for our very first day (for some reason). That's funny. 
  3. Mr Cuka ... being funny (for a day).
  4. Luke/Goose being in my home-room and introducing himself to everyone as "Goose".
  5. Everyone punching Blaise in the stomach because, and I quote Miguel, "It's fun to punch IRON - HARD - ABS"
 - Matthew is a pedanticbitch
 - Band practice again ... YAY!
 - Witchcraft is my favourite song off, "Immersion"

And now, times for the vid/song - 

Pendulum have done a remix of the classic, "ABC News" theme music. It's hilarious, and pretty cool. 
Check it out - 

That is all for now. 

1 comment:

mr shinoda. said...

- Stop being a changingthetermsandconditionsbitch.

- Band is awesomepants.

- Immersion is an awesomesuit.

- That remix is awesomeface.

- That IS all for now.
