Monday, September 28, 2009


So at Haywoods party;

The highlight of the party was, Emerson and I's thumping rendition of Snow Patrol', "Chasing Cars". The fantastic vocal cyclone that was us, created an incredible feeling, prompting this dialouge, mid-song;

Joe: "This is so awesome"!
Emerson: "I know"!

What great harmonies, pretty sure we should do it again!


E. Brophy said...

It was sweet!

We just need to think of other cool songs that can be easily harmonised.

Conor said...

i wish i bothered to listen to you guys....remember when you were talking to me that night?....cos i dont!!!

The :: Inquisitor said...

"Look What You've Done" - JET ?

E. Brophy said...

You should listen to "Shine On" by Jet. The whole album is awesome. And some songs (like "Eleanor" have harmony all the way through)

There's always Tripod...