Monday, December 21, 2009

Shinoda Eyes Criminal Record

LINKIN PARK frontman MIKE SHINODA harbours a bizarre secret urge - to get arrested by police.
The musician and record producer insists there's no faster way to earn respect from pals than an encounter with cops.
He says, "I think it would be cool to get arrested to a certain degree... I feel like you get high fives from your buddies for getting arrested.
"If you had a sword fight with your buddy that would be so cool, it's a very tough, manly thing to do. And I'm obviously equating getting arrested with swordplay in my sick mind."

Boy what a great role model.

Source -

VIA; Mike Shinoda fan site -


mr shinoda. said...

Haha, he said it'd be cool.

But he never actually did it.

Because he's sensible (Unlike some other singer who actually attacks people, frightening I know!).

And you still can't spell his name right.

And while you're at it maybe you could enlighten me as to what a "ciminal" record is?
You weren't so outraged by Shinoda's glory that you made spelling errors? Again?

The :: Inquisitor said...

Damn my rapidly moving fingers !

The fact that he says getting arrested would be cool makes it just as bad, if not worse as he is condoning such behaviour.
Martin apologised for his incident.

Brandon said...

What's this arguement about again?

The :: Inquisitor said...

It's an argument about how gay brandon is ... Matthew says superflamer-gay, but I say poofymaltballs that stick in your coffee and try to gay it up with you and won't leave you alone cos they're so homosexually oriented - gay.

Which one do you think?